Sunday, December 16, 2012

ChildrensCreolebooks Helps You Learn Creole with this new ebook

Download the paperback and PDF versions of the book now

“Alo! - Hola! - Hello!: Los Verbos y Las Palabras Para Aprender El Creole Haitiano” Este libro fue escrto en Espaňol e Inglés para los que quieren aprender el Creole Haitiano. Fue preparado por Sr. Joseph J. Charles, escritor de “Learn Haitian Creole in one Week – Aprendan el Creole Haitiano Dentro de una Semana… y “¿Que Tal? - Sak Pase? / N-ap Boule! - Bien! What's Up? / We Are Doing Well!

Alo! Hola! Hello! Los Verbos y las Palabras Para Aprender el Creole Haitiano

Alo, Hola, Hello: Los Verbos y las Palabras Para Aprender el Creole Haitiano You can find additional resources at;;; and

Saturday, October 6, 2012

ChildrensCreoleBooks blog Recommends 'Ann Pale Kreyol avek 'Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule!' Textbook Notes

Purchase a copy of "'Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule!' Textbook Notes - Let's Speak Haitian Creole with S-ak Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook Notes" from Amazon Kindle now or KDP.

"Ann Pale Kreyòl avèk ‘Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule!’ Texbook Notes - Let's Speak Haitian Creole with S-ak Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook Notes" is a Creole audio series designed for those who want to learn and listen to quick Haitian Creole and English. Short-term visitors to Haiti and the United States will make good use of this book. Furthermore, these textbook notes will provide you with an adequate survival vocabulary that will help you communicate and express your thoughts in simple terms. Once you have completed this textbook, you will want to move on to other important textbooks such as 'Sa-k Pase N-ap Boule Learn Haitian Creole,' 'Learn Haitian Creole in One Week,' and 'Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference.' To find additional titles, visit the author's page: right here and podcast:

Use this new audio series: Learn Haitian Creole Audio Series on

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Summer, Sun, Sand, Sea, Sharks, and Surfers!

Father Shark Is Teaching His Two Pups How to Hunt -Papa Reken ap Anseye De Pitit Li Yo Jan Pou Yo Fè Lachas

Compellingly funny shark story inside! Summer, Sun, Sea, Shark, Sand...Surfers!

Here is the release of my most recent short story written in Haitian Creole and English. I wrote it to be read in a group setting such as in a classroom. I am trying to provide and diffuse reading materials written in these two languages.

Brief Review: Sea, sands, seals, surfers and sharks! Have you had enough sharkzilla stories for shark week? Here is another one. This is a short story written in Haitian Creole and English for those who want to go on a monster shark adventure. This is a fun story for those who want to practice their reading in Haitian Creole. What will father shark teach his pups to hunt for? Seals or surfers! Find out whether the surfers will escape the hunger-motivated hunt.

If you are interested in having this short story, you can purchase a copy for your kindle or nook on the following sites:

Father Shark is teaching his two pups how to hunt: (Amazon Kindle)

Father Shark is teaching his two pups how to hunt: Barnes and Noble /Nook Ebook

Father Shark is teaching his two pups how to Hunt - Papa Reken Ap Anseye de Pitit Li Yo Jan Pou Yo Chase

Saturday, January 21, 2012

No. 2 Haitian Creole Learning Audiobook: Listen to the free Audio Downloads of "...Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference.."

Get the first 6 chapters of "The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference Audio" for FREE.You can always purchase the CD that accompanies this book below.

Sign up for a DropBox account to be able to listen to this audio for free!

Learn Haitian Creole on your phone or laptop now / Aprendan el Criollo Haitiano con su telefono o su computadora ahora. You can get a free Dropbox app for your iphone, iPad, Android, and Blackberry smartphone. So look for the right app in the Appstore.

You can listen to all three audio versions/all 14 chapters of the book by purchasing your access now. A link will be emailed to you so you can listen to the book on or a DropBox app on your phone or iPad. Make sure you sign up for a free account.

Producer's Creole Audio Prime: Get a recurring monthly subscription of private Romance Languages / Haitian Creole Audio Posts on Sign up at PayPal with your email address so we can add you. After receiving your payment, we will add your email so you can get the selected creole audio lesson posts

Producer's Creole Audio Prime

Purchase a copy of "Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference" (Textbook only) from AmazonKindle now as a Kindle ebook.

Purchase a copy of "Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference (Textbook only) from Barnes and Noble as a Nook Book.

Purchase a copy of "The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference" from right here

Purchase the accompanying CDs for this book: Listen to the audiobook in your car

Disc ID: 6069

Disc Name: Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Audiobook Part 2- Purchase CD to Listen to Chapters 1-11 from “The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference” Audiobook Buy Now From CCNow



Disc ID: 6068

Disc Name: The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Audiobook: Purchase CD to Listen to Chapters 12-14 from “The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference” Audiobook Buy Now From CCNow

