Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What's ChildrensCreoleBooks Publishing all About?

Haitian parents, especially adoptive parents of Haitian children, and grade school teachers from Miami, Florida to New York, and Boston, Massachussets are very happy to be able to find newly released materials in Haitian Creole., wants to be the premier publisher and distributor of Haitian Creole materials on the Internet, in social Media publication, and on currently existing devices and those yet to be developed.  So far, teachers, parents, and education ministers interested in teaching Creole to Haitian children can find relevant materials on this site and others. 

Due to the migratory history of Haitians, Haitian children can be multicultural and multilingual.  They can be found in the Caribbean, mostly in the United States, Canada, South America, Central America, Europe and Africa.  And they speak languages such as Spanish, English, French, Haitian Creole, Dutch, Portuguese, and many others.  It is our goal and mission to continue to provide great materials in many of the above languages, materials that uniquely prepared for this audience and by Haitian American authors/writers.  Obviously, we welcome materials by any other writers/authors who meet our standards of quality and cultural relevance.

Children's Creole Books Publisher (, ChildrensCreoleBooksPublisher) wants to make sure that Creolophonie is seen in a more inclusive way.  It wants to work with the Haitian Education ministry and Haitian schools to promote the teaching of the primary Haitian language not only in Haiti but also in many foreign countries where Haitian children, bicultural/bilingual children of Haitian parents are living.  Enlisting topnotch companies' efforts and resources such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, Apple, and many others, and Using ultramodern devices such as podcast, kindle, iphone, ipod touches, Android platform, we can uproot illiteracy in Haiti and promote the language of more than 10 million people. 

Teaching Haitian Creole through the use of the Social Media tools can go a long way.  That is our mission and the area of our expertise.  We welcome any feedback and financial assistance in order to remain focused, execute our action plans and meet our goals.  We will count success even if one child uses our materials and realizes that speaking Haitian Creole, a very phonetic language recognized by the IPA or L'Association Phonetique Internationale, can prepare him or her to succeed on the world stage.  That is one of the secrets kept away from many Haitian parents who have been misled to believe that knowing Creole will not contribute to the advancement of their children's economic future.  Yet, many studies have shown that thanks to its phonetic construction, Kreyol can prepare any kid to learn any foreign languages.

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